"Auxilium" - saveLastServer, AutoEquip, AutoCrew... (

"Auxilium" - saveLastServer, AutoEquip, AutoCrew... (

Autor módu ShuraBB
Odkaz na oficiální fórum http://forum.worldof...nt-and-more/#topmost
Instalace Stačí spustit exe soubor, který Vás provede kam chcete instalovat.

Current features:

The function "PreferredServer" - job server for the login and remembering user's choice;

The function "saveLastServer" - remembering the last server which was played by the player;

The function "AutoEquip" - automatic installation of removable equipment for the selected tank;

The function "AutoOutfit" - automatic installation of the equipment for the selected tank (first aid Kit, repair Kit, fire extinguisher, etc.);

The function "AutoCrew" - automatic return of the last of the crew to the selected tank;

The function "Multi-client" - the ability to play on all WoT clusters with one client.

The function "Circle of the dispersion" of the gun - displays the real circle of the dispersion of the gun.
The function "Server Sight" - displays the position of the sight on the server.

The option to disable the Handbrake in sniper mode;

Seting the duration of display light bulbs "6th sense";

Seting the duration of displaying indicators of attack;

Function disable effect of hit of a shell in you;

Function disable flash effect when a shell hit you;

Function disable of the effect of the inertia of the camera;

Function disable of the recoil effect from the shot;

The disabling effect of the blackout in the sniper scope;

Function to enable horizontal stabilization for all tanks;

Seting the list of values zoom in sniper mode;

Seting fixed zoom value at switching in sniper mode;

Setting the "camera height" above the tank;

Setting the range of variation of the distance of the camera;

Specifies the size of the players panel at boot and the beginning of the battle;

Function "Contacts" - the allocation of the player from a predefined list to the contact list on the loading screen and "ears" of commands.

Function setting default credits instead of gold for equipment, and ammunition


Vše si jednuduše můžete nastavit v configuračním souboru res_mods\configs\BBMods Auxilium_en.json

"Auxilium" - saveLastServer, AutoEquip, AutoCrew

Soubor ze serveru bb-t.ru

Počet stažení: 15×

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Docela rád bych chtěl zrušit funkci "Multi-client" .Nějak to vtom souboru nemohu najít

traufenstein (Odpověď pro Timi)

Myslím.že v cz nebude nikdy.Ale ono to jde nějak přelouskat do češtiny.Je to takový modpack,kde jsou různé úpravy,třeba autoequip,automatické vrácení posádky,nastavení platby
kredity místo goldy za ammo,čokolády atd..Různé změny zoomu,pamatování si posledního serveru.Celkem sem sním spokojen.


Taky bych byl rád za cz. Google to přeloží,no víte jak :)


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